Bagaimana memaksimalkan pelacakan kendaraan dan mengelola kendaraan?
Avento comes with a variety of vehicle tracking products and services for personal needs to fleet management for businesses. Control your assets 24/7. Together with advanced technology and the best vehicle management system from Arvento, track vehicle movements with high precision. Take complete control and visibility in your journey. From personal vehicle tracking to business needs, our products and services will help provide the maximum benefit in answering your needs. Arvento is committed to providing the best solution to suit your needs. With Arvento's experience and strong references, we understand how complex vehicle management can be in various scenarios.
Come join the thousands of customers who have chosen Arvento as a trusted partner in answering vehicle management challenges. Make your vehicle management experience safer, more efficient and profitable with Arvento!
Products and Services
24/7 Real Time Tracking and Control
Overview About Us
Arvento is a technology company dedicated to providing leading-edge solutions in vehicle tracking and management.
Semangat inovasi mendorong Arvento untuk memberikan solusi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda, mulai dari melacak kendaraan pribadi hingga mengelola armada bisnis. Dengan teknologi terkini yang dimiliki Arvento, Anda dapat mengawasi pergerakan kendaraan dengan presisi yang tinggi.
Location tracking, route analysis and fleet management are made easier and more efficient with the help of our technology. Arvento is committed to providing solutions that not only increase operational efficiency, but also increase the safety level of your vehicle.
Leading and Trusted
Arvento leads the fleet telematics
market and M2M solutions.
Trusted on 3 continents with
100,000 subscribers and 1 million
Leading with Innovation
Arvento opens the way and solutions
through research-based innovation
and creative development
Providing Global Solutions
Arvento provides a solution
a reliable device that operates
in various geographic conditions
and climate. Answers for customers
Earned > 70 Awards
Arvento has been rewarded over 70
awards and achievements. Conclusive
evidence leading products and